Keywords: economic development, territorial communities, decentralization of power, social development, local self-government


The article examines scientific approaches to defining the concept of economic development of territorial communities and examines their role in the economic development of the country in the direction of implementing local initiatives, attracting investments, developing entrepreneurship and creating new jobs. It has been established that the development of territorial communities requires an integrated approach that takes into account economic, social, infrastructural and environmental aspects, and the interaction between local authorities, business, the public and other interested parties is a key factor in successful economic development. Successful examples of economic development at the local level have been identified and the importance of applying an integrated approach has been proven, which includes: strategic planning, investment attraction, infrastructure development, entrepreneurship support and effective use of local resources. It is substantiated in the scientific study that the following are currently important aspects for ensuring effective development: attraction of investments in the economy of the territorial community, development of small and medium-sized businesses and socio-economic innovations. It has been proven that attracting investments is a key element of the economic development strategy of the territorial community, contributing to the creation of new jobs, increasing production capacity, developing infrastructure, and improving the quality of life of the population. It has been studied that the mechanisms of such an investment attraction concept, infrastructure development of small and medium-sized businesses not only contributes to economic growth and job creation, but also plays an important role in strengthening social stability and improving the quality of life of the population in territorial communities. It is substantiated that socio-economic innovations play a decisive role in the formation of sustainable and inclusive economies, improving the quality of life of communities and contributing to sustainable development.


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