The article is devoted to the disclosure of a comprehensive assessment of the financial state of an agricultural enterprise, which allows you to objectively assess the availability, placement, and efficiency of the use of the available resources of the enterprise and the source of their financing, taking into account the specifics of the industry and diagnostics of the financial state of the agricultural enterprise (financial ratios). The indicators of the multifactor model for assessing the financial condition of MHP-Agrokryaz LLC were analyzed. It is noted that the financial condition of the enterprise is an essential characteristic of the enterprise's activity in a certain period, which determines the real and potential ability of the enterprise to provide a sufficient level of financing of financial and economic activity and the ability to effectively carry it out in the future. The classification of the features of the development of MHP-Agrokryazh LLC was determined, with the specification of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the financial state. It was found that a comprehensive assessment of the financial state (multifactor model) of an agricultural enterprise is a tool that makes it possible to assess the current and prospective state of the enterprise, to establish its solvency based on the use of a set of indicators. A system of key indicators is presented analysis of investment activity based on financial reporting data in accordance with "accounting" and "economic" approaches. The indicators for determining the level of investment attractiveness of the enterprise are revealed, namely: indicators of profitability, business activity, liquidity, solvency, financial stability, personnel potential, intellectual capital. It is noted that indicators of intellectual capital consist of human capital, structural capital, consumer capital.
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