Keywords: households, financial resources, region, standard of living, social stability, sources of income


In the current conditions of economic development, an important aspect is the analysis of household incomes, as they determine the level of livelihood of the population, as well as the level of economic development of the country as a whole. Financial resources are the main indicator for characterizing the well-being of household members. It is also important that the income of the population fills the state budget and funds of the country, so the analysis of the level of household income is necessary to identify and improve the negative phenomena in the economy. The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the level of financial resources of households in the Vinnytsia region. The article analyzes the general indicators of household income in the Vinnytsia region, as well as the income of one household on average per month. According to the above information, the authors of the study analyzed the level of household income in the Vinnytsia region, as well as the sources of their occurrence. The study shows both positive and negative aspects of the process of providing income to the population of Vinnytsia region. In addition, household incomes have been shown to have a generally positive upward trend, but due to certain economic factors that affect their size, they are not stable enough and need to be improved for the country's economic development and sustainability. Based on the obtained results, ways to increase the level of household income, which should be provided by the state, are proposed. Such ways are: creating the necessary conditions for the population for its social activity, in particular, to expand jobs, raise wages to a decent level, increase the level of social benefits and transfers, stabilize the commodity market prices for consumer products, reduce tax payments for encouraging the population to do business. Thus, ensuring a decent level of financial resources of households is an important process for both the population and the country's economy. For effective and stable economic development of the country, the state needs to take appropriate measures that will promote labor activity, encourage the population to entrepreneurship, investment in economic projects, intellectual and physical development of each member of the household. This is one of the main tasks of the country, which is aimed at improving its economic situation.


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How to Cite
Marshuk, L., & Tsiptsyura, O. (2021). LEVEL OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME IN THE VINNYTSIA REGION. Economy and Society, (26). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-26-24

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