The article is devoted to deepening the study of the essence of innovative communities through the prism of infrastructure-service methodology in the context of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The essential characteristics of communities are characterized as groups of different people who come together to share ideas and use innovative resources in collaboration. Also, the desire of members of innovative communities to develop each other, achieving new achievements, generating new ideas, which would be impossible to achieve individually, is noted. The classification of types of innovative communities is presented. The role and capabilities of innovative communities in the revival of Ukrainian territories affected by the war, in cooperation with domestic and foreign stakeholders based on the model of creating an infrastructure and service base for the development of production through the financing of innovative infrastructure projects of industrial parks and clusters, are substantiated; innovations: business incubators, IT industry sector; social well-being in the field of education, health care, housing complexes, recreation, etc., the implementation of which will be successfully facilitated by innovative communities at the level of territories and communities in the conditions of war. The correspondence of the newly formed innovative communities to the key interests of Ukraine through the close interaction of higher education, research structures and business with the aim of promoting world-class innovations through newly formed communities of open or closed type of stakeholders (including domestic and international ones who do not live in the same territory) is revealed, in the presence of a common goals, values, means of communication, with the aim of mutual exchange of knowledge, experience, development of professional competences, generation of new ideas and implementation of joint projects of social, economic, ecological, ethnic orientation at the level of improvement, development and strengthening of infrastructure and service of territories and communities within sustainable development.
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