Leasing of intellectual property objects (IPO) is a financial instrument that allows a lessee to use an IPO owned by a lessor for a specified period of time in exchange for periodic payments. Leasing of IPOS can be a valuable tool for activating innovation activity of enterprises in the context of entering foreign markets, such as China. The article `Activation of innovative activity of enterprises on the basis of intellectual property objects leasing instrument in the context of entering foreign markets` defines the advantages of leasing of IPOS for enterprises entering foreign markets, including: Reduced financial costs: Leasing allows enterprises to access IPOS without having to purchase them, which can be especially important for enterprises with limited financial resources. Reduced risk: Leasing allows enterprises to avoid the risk of losing IPOS in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Increased liquidity: Leasing can be used to increase the liquidity of an enterprise. For example, an enterprise can lease a patent that is not essential to its operations. This would allow the enterprise to obtain additional funds that can be used to cover current expenses. The article provides examples of how leasing of IPOs can be used to activate innovation activity of enterprises in the context of entering foreign markets. For example, an enterprise that develops a new technology can use leasing to obtain a patent for that technology. This would allow the enterprise to begin commercializing the technology without having to spend its own funds on purchasing the patent. The article concludes that leasing of IPOS is a promising tool for activating innovation activity of enterprises in the context of entering foreign markets. However, enterprises should carefully analyze all of the factors discussed in the article before making a decision to use leasing of IPOs. By strategically leveraging IP leasing, enterprises can unlock a powerful toolkit for accelerating innovation and navigating the intricacies of foreign market entry. This approach empowers them to compete effectively, capitalize on new opportunities, and forge a secure path towards global success.
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