Keywords: accounting, taxation, national accounting standards, international financial reporting standards, targeted financing, grants, grant funds


The publication covers current issues of our time, in particular, the accounting and taxation of targeted financing of expenditures for social, ecological and cultural projects, for the support of vulnerable economic entities, as well as for the restoration of the infrastructure of our country damaged and destroyed as a result of the war. Factors affecting the organization of accounting of targeted financing in the part of grant funds were analyzed and systematized. Among the main factors, it is proposed to highlight: grant conditions, legal framework (legal framework), tax aspects, budgeting methods and tools, methodology for forming financial and descriptive reports, mechanisms for determining risks and predictive predictions regarding the effective use of grant funds. An assessment of scientific approaches to recognition of grants as targeted revenues was carried out. The dependence of regulatory interpretation and accounting judgment on the categories: grants, international technical assistance, state aid, targeted funding, targeted revenues, grants for third parties, investment grants, consulting grants, etc. has been established. Contradictions and ambiguity of the economic content and legal form lead to conflicts in the taxation of operations with grant funds. This actualizes the application of the financial accounting principle of economic essence over legal form. The application of sub-accounts to account 48 "Targeted financing" was assessed. A differentiated approach to the definition of sub-accounts for each individual entity that receives grant funds is proposed. Scientific approaches to the application of national and international standards of financial reporting (IFRS) and accounting in relation to transactions with grant funds have been studied. Options for solving the problems at the level of improvement of scientific approaches and practical application are offered. The main directions of unsolved issues are outlined with the aim of prospects for their study by researchers in the near future.


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How to Cite
Sadovska, I., & Nahirska, K. (2023). FEATURES OF ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION TARGETED FINANCING AS PART OF GRANT FUNDS. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-74