Keywords: development, sustainable development, city, smart city, uncertainty, approaches, adaptation


Modern cities face numerous challenges, such as: population growth, climate change, environmental pollution, lack of resources, and social inequality. Sustainable urban development aims to address these challenges and provide a better life for people in cities Sustainability in urban development means that this process occurs in such a way that environmental, economic and social sustainability is maintained over a long period of time. Cities must have a clear vision of their future and develop strategies to achieve it. These strategies must take into account the needs of all city residents, as well as environmental and economic factors. The public should be involved in the decision-making process regarding the development of the city. This will help ensure that cities develop in a way that meets the needs and priorities of residents. Cities must use innovation to find new and effective ways to solve problems. This may include the use of new technologies, new business models and new management approaches. Sustainable development of cities is an ongoing process. Cities must constantly adapt and improve to meet new challenges and opportunities. It is a difficult task, but it is worth it. Sustainable urban development can help create better cities for people and the planet as a whole. The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the development of cities on the basis of sustainability. The interaction of the components of sustainable development (economic, ecological, social) on a city scale is considered. Approaches to the development of cities based on the principles of sustainability in conditions of uncertainty are presented, where liquidation, improvement and preventive approaches are used, the use of which depends on the choice and combination of elements and systems (natural, artificial and society). At the same time, it takes into account the important factor that modern socio-economic systems of all levels function in conditions of uncertainty, which is gradually becoming the norm and requires constant adaptation. Therefore, sustainable cities must be flexible, adaptive and transformative, among other things. These theoretical developments will serve as a basis for further applied research on the development of cities on the basis of sustainability.


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How to Cite
Khalina, V. (2023). APPROACHES TO SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (58).