Keywords: development, sustainable development, , city strategy, management of sustainable urban development, digitalization


The article is devoted to the current issues of transforming approaches to managing sustainable urban development, taking into account the changes that are taking place under the influence of digital transformation. The purpose of the article is to study the practical experience of EU cities in implementing digital initiatives in managing the sustainable development of smart cities in the context of the digitalization of the economy. Research methods. The research was conducted using generalization, a systematic approach, analysis, and synthesis. It is determined that the classical concept of sustainable development involves a comprehensive balanced development of social, economic and environmental components. The active development of digital transformations and the emergence of the digital economy create the latest tools for managing the sustainable development of smart cities, which become the basis for effective management processes. The article analyzes the experiences of several EU cities that have implemented digitalization opportunities in their smart city concepts to enhance management efficiency and improve interaction among stakeholders. Digital platforms and tools implemented in these cities have become important for establishing interaction with citizens, significantly increasing their involvement in management decisions. It is determined that the management of sustainable urban development is based on the fundamental principles of openness, transparency, efficiency, inclusiveness, security and confidentiality. The analysis of the latest management approaches in implementing smart city strategies reveals that effective management should prioritize cybersecurity at the level of city authorities to ensure the successful implementation of smart city development strategies, as the digital component in management is becoming increasingly crucial. Improving citizens' quality of life is a top priority in implementing smart city strategies. These strategies should involve all stakeholders. To effectively manage sustainable urban development in the context of digitalization, it is necessary to establish a centralized structure responsible for coordinating the activities of urban digital platforms and solutions. This structure should ensure transparency and openness, which will increase public trust in management decisions.


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