The article explores social entrepreneurship and its further development as society's response to revolutionary changes and challenges caused initially by socio-economic shifts and later by Russia's invasion of the eastern part of Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea, and subsequent full-scale aggression. The previous experience of attempting to create a legislative framework and regulatory support for social entrepreneurship in Ukraine is described. Attempts to enact laws regulating this type of activity in 2013, involving revisions and subsequent considerations that were not adopted, left social entrepreneurship as an "invisible" player in the legal field. A separate aspect of the article is dedicated to defining the importance of forming clear and transparent legislation for the further effective development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Proposals for changes to certain laws in 2019, including amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations," the Law of Ukraine "On State Aid to Business Entities," the Law of Ukraine "On the Development and State Support of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Ukraine," the Law of Ukraine "On Public Procurement," and the Law of Ukraine "On the Lease of State and Municipal Property," are analyzed, along with the prospective impact of these changes on social entrepreneurship. The article also describes and proposes specific measures for amending existing laws. These measures aim to ensure transparency in operations and reporting, confer legal status on social enterprises, build trust among investors and consumers, improve the financial support prospects for social enterprises (such as grants, subsidies, and other forms of funding), expand access for social enterprises to markets and services for more effective implementation of programs and projects, and help increase the overall recognition of the importance of social entrepreneurship in society. Conclusions are drawn regarding the importance of proper legislative regulation for the sustainable and successful functioning of social enterprises in Ukraine, considering their pivotal role in the social subsystem of economic and national security.
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