Keywords: result, performance, management principles, criteria and key performance measurement indicators, performance management process, concepts and models of performance management


The article clarifies the definition of «management effectiveness». It is proposed to understand the effectiveness of the enterprise like generalizing characteristics of the obtained (consciously and predetermined goals and objectives) various positive effects, which are connected with productive use of economic resources on the basis of full realization of available opportunities and potential of development of a certain enterprise. Criteria of measurement of the organization’s efficiency are investigated and it is found that any organization and each manager in any way measure and control one or more of mentioned above and not necessarily mutually exclusive criteria. In particular, efficiency reflects the degree of achievement of the operating system of organization of certain goals, the degree of completion of "required" work; the efficiency determines the minimization of consumption of operational resources in the process of creating new consumer value; the quality of labor life reflects the level of satisfaction of employees with material and social needs during active employment and after its completion; the innovation determines the maximization of the effect of the organization from the introduction of various innovations (innovations); the market position determines the minimization of expenses for marketing and sales of goods and services, etc. It was found that one of the priority performance criteria is competitiveness, because it is a generalizing characteristic of the formation of resource potential and reflects the level of quality of consumer demand and achieved enterprises. It is established that a sign of successful functioning and development of economic entities is the achievement of goals, as well as consistent solution of production, commercial, financial, social and other tasks, accompanied by obtaining the appropriate effects. On the basis of allocation of separate groups of indicators which allow to measure effective process of achievement of industrial, financial, labor and other results of the enterprise, the system of indices-indicators for measuring the efficiency of the enterprise activity is defined.


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