The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends in the development of marketing price policy in the restaurant business. In the conditions of a complex market environment characterized by increasing uncertainty and dynamics, effective management of a restaurant business requires the implementation of all components of the marketing complex. The use of various strategies, such as loyalty programs, free shipping, discounts and gifts, not only helps to attract the attention of new customers, but also supports regular visitors, which is a key factor in the formation of stable customer demand. An important aspect is also the establishment of artificial restrictions within the promotions, which gives them uniqueness and creates the impression of exclusivity. Using restrictions such as seasonal promotions, birthdays, menu categories or the number of visitors helps increase customer interest and drive sales growth. In the conditions of modernity and dynamic development of all spheres of society, there is a need to reveal the strategic importance of prices in the competitive environment of the restaurant business. A careful analysis of pricing strategies will allow restaurants to find the optimal balance between ensuring profitability and meeting the needs of consumers, providing them with quality products and services at competitive prices. In the context of increasing competition and changes in consumer preferences, such information will prove to be an important tool for creating effective marketing strategies aimed at the success and sustainability of the restaurant business. The purpose of researching the marketing price policy of a restaurant business is to conduct its deep and systematic analysis in order to determine the optimal pricing strategies. The research is aimed at revealing the impact of prices on consumers, analyzing the competitive environment, identifying factors that determine price decisions, and developing recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the restaurant's pricing policy. This article aims to study the issues of pricing to optimize business processes in the restaurant industry from the point of view of prices for products and services.
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