Keywords: logistics, social logistics, supply chains, logistics operations, freight transportation, logistics hub, development


Attention is focused on the fact that military actions in Ukraine led to significant flows of internal forced migration, refugees and caused a large-scale humanitarian crisis. It was noted that the humanitarian provision of the population and the timeliness of assistance to those who need it depend on the construction of an effective system capable of adapting to changing conditions, coordinating activities and promptly carrying out logistical operations. The importance of humanitarian logistics in these processes has been proven. Based on foreign experience, the factors that are basic in the organization of logistical processes in the sphere of providing the population with humanitarian aid during military operations have been analyzed. The definition of humanitarian logistics is formulated. It was established that, based on the theoretical basis of general logistics, it provides for the management of material and accompanying flows, is aimed at meeting essential public needs, including those characterized by unpredictability and of a humanitarian nature (on the basis of minimizing the time for the implementation of logistical tasks), providing for the victims people with essential goods during crisis situations and contributing to the improvement of their quality of life. The main tasks of humanitarian logistics and its functional features in comparison with other types of logistics are determined. It was established that in this field, unlike the commercial one, when making management decisions, the speed of assistance and the maximum provision of needs are primarily taken into account. At the same time, the component of expenses and their minimization is in the last place. According to the results of the study of the peculiarities of the development of humanitarian logistics at the current stage, a number of problems related to its functioning and capable of hindering the timely delivery of vital goods have been identified. It is noted that these issues should be solved comprehensively, at different management levels. The priority directions for the development of modern humanitarian logistics in Ukraine are proposed, which are aimed at the effective functioning of this area and the timely provision of such assistance to the population.


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How to Cite
Chupryna, O., Kolosok, E., & Hryhorenko, O. (2023). HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS: FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT IN MODERN REALITIES. Economy and Society, (58).