Keywords: agricultural sector, food security, sustainable development, innovations, investments, globalization, optimization of production, integration


The article examines the influence of the agricultural sector of the economy on the formation of the country's food security. It is emphasized that in the current conditions of increased globalization of the world economy, the issue of ensuring food security, which characterizes not only the standard of living of the population, but also acts as an extremely important factor in ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy of any state, becomes particularly relevant. It is indicated that the importance of strengthening food security, due to the need to realize the potential of competitive development of agrarian business entities, requires transformations of an innovative nature. It has been proven that strengthening the food security of the state requires coordination of the parameters of the development potential of domestic subjects of the agrarian sector with the economic and socio-ecological aspects of ensuring this security based on the principles of self-sufficiency, multifunctionality, social justice, independence, stability, balance and rationality. It is indicated that the current state of food security in Ukraine is unstable due to the state of war caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that one of the main tasks of the state agrarian policy of Ukraine remains the same as in pre-war conditions, namely the guarantee of food security. However, during martial law, achieving this goal requires additional efforts from the state. It was concluded that the need for such an approach is determined by the fact that ensuring and guaranteeing food security are components of the security direction of the implementation of agrarian policy, which is one of the foundations of guaranteeing the stability of the agricultural sector of the economy. It is emphasized that ensuring global food security is possible only under the condition of ending the war unleashed by the aggressive Russian Federation against Ukraine and liberating the occupied territories: guaranteeing the security and integrity of Ukraine by world countries; provision of worldwide assistance in demining and recreation of fertile lands of de-occupied territories; providing preferential loans to farmers for the restoration of equipment and production facilities damaged or destroyed as a result of hostilities; provision of preferential loans by foreign investors for the restoration of the infrastructure of storage, transportation and processing of plant and animal husbandry products.


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