Keywords: sanatorium-resort establishments, development strategy, socio-economic development, medical and health tourism, natural healing resources, rehabilitation services, management, pricing


The article highlights the state and substantiated necessity of finding new strategic areas of activity of sanatorium-resort complexes of Ukraine. The reasons for the drop in demand for sanatorium-resort services among the general population have been identified. Ways to eliminate negative factors in the development of the sanatorium-resort complex are given, which will allow to effectively develop the sanatorium-resort sphere, to create an accessible and efficient market of health services for the maximum satisfaction of the population's demand. It was determined that changes in the business environment of modern sanatorium-resort facilities, which are associated with the development of competition, the introduction of new medical, rehabilitation and information technologies, necessitate the use of new approaches to the strategic management of limited resources. Strategic priorities in the field of sanatorium-resort services have been determined from the point of view of the social significance of the development of this sector in the domestic market of health-care services. Recommendations on changing the technologies of forming and providing a sanatorium-resort product have been formulated. The main elements of the management strategy in the sanatorium-resort complex have been formed. The results of the study emphasize the need for interaction between the authorities, business and the community, the active participation of the scientific, tourist, sports and environmental community of the territory, business representatives and other interested parties in the development and implementation of strategies of the sanatorium-resort sector, which will help to set priorities correctly, increase the quality and relevance management decisions. The strategic foundations of the development of the sanatorium-resort sphere of Ukraine are proposed to create a complex system of measures, in which, in modern conditions, sanatorium-resort establishments can be considered as a significant factor of socio-economic development for the country as a whole and for its individual regions.


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How to Cite
Herasymenko, T., Oliinyk , A., & Didus, A. (2023). STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SANATORIUM AND RESORT FIELD OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (58).

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