The article reveals the essence of ESG-principles, the relevance of which has been constantly increasing in recent decades all over the world, and ESG-strategy, which involves the efforts of agribusiness representatives in the direction of sustainable development. It was emphasized that: in the context of the first component of the ESG (environmental) strategy, it is important to assess the risks of land use ‒ the results of such an assessment and monitoring can potentially simplify the compliance of agricultural producers with the requirements of environmental safety and be useful in the development of a strategy of production activities taking into account the principles of ESG; an important tool in modern economic conditions to prevent losses in agriculture is the risk assessment of weather phenomena, which is also taken into account when determining the level of achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals on a global scale; constant control is required by the risks of reducing soil fertility and reducing biodiversity, the level of which has increased catastrophically in Ukraine in recent decades, as well as environmental risks. It is justified that agricultural producers should already now, after assessing social risks for their business, develop ways to minimize them in accordance with the principles and criteria of the ESG strategy. In the context of the last component of the ESG strategy ‒ governance («corporate management»), it is substantiated that the combination of financial risk assessment and their management with the principles of the ESG strategy in today's conditions is one of the conditions for obtaining advantages and can lead an agrarian enterprise to success. Examples of the functioning of agricultural producers in Ukraine in accordance with the principles of the ESG strategy are given. As a result of the study, the existing relationship between risk assessment and their further management in agribusiness with the principles of ESG strategy was identified and substantiated. It is emphasized that the risk assessment, which correlates with the principles of the ESG strategy, ultimately works to minimize risks (environmental, social, investment, financial, etc.), contributes to attracting sustainable financing and, accordingly, effective business development.
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