The article reveals the essence of creativity, its influence on marketing and the development of new products and services. The article considers creativity as a procedural aspect of creative activity, which leads to the creation of unique products and services. The authors emphasize that an innovative product in marketing is not limited to physical goods or services, but also includes new research methods, concepts and decision-making algorithms. The main focus is on the role of management in stimulating and developing talent, as well as creating a cultural and creative environment. The article also raises the topic of the creative economy, in which "creative industries" and "cultural industries" are distinguished. Creative industries are defined more broadly, including not only art, music, fashion, design, but also sectors where goods and services depend on innovation, such as software and creative research. The authors provide a detailed classification of creative industries, separating areas such as art, media, functional creations and cultural heritage, and also provide examples of industries included in each category. Special attention in the article is paid to the creatosphere, which includes three main components: resources of creative work, the process of creative activity and the results of this activity. It is emphasized that the creatosphere is a unique sector of the economy, based on intellectual work, and differs from the traditional approach of economic analysis. The conclusions of the article emphasize the importance of creativity and innovation in the modern business environment, where they act as key factors in the success and competitiveness of companies. The importance of creativity in management, product development and branding is particularly important for the formation of an effective marketing strategy, as well as for the adaptation of companies to rapid changes in market conditions.
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