Keywords: branding of tourist areas, marketing strategy, tourist resources, brand attributes, marketing channels, competitiveness factors


The article examines the key role of branding and marketing strategies in territorial development, with a special emphasis on tourism. The authors investigate how branding, in which the concepts of "territory brand" and "territory branding" play a key role, is actively used in the development of tourism. The article focuses on the importance of branding as a tool of territory marketing in conditions of competition between regions. Branding of regions is considered as one of the actual areas of strategic social development. It contributes to increasing competitiveness and the general level of socio-cultural development of territories. The process of branding tourist regions requires solving a number of problems, including the search for optimal ways of displaying the attractiveness of the tourist area and increasing consumer loyalty. The authors consider brand architecture, which organizes and structures the brand portfolio by defining the roles of the brands and the nature of the relationships between them. The article also emphasizes the importance of tourism brand positioning, which is based on three main elements: target audience, brand benefits and differences from competitors. The target consumer segment is determined on the basis of market research and marketing strategies. The article discusses the need for effective marketing campaigns to promote a tourism brand, including highlighting competitive advantages, market segmentation, creating advertising campaigns and using specific features of territories to create unique offers. The article examines marketing channels for the promotion of a regional tourist product, as well as marketing strategies of various regions and countries. The authors analyze how branding and marketing affect the tourist attractiveness of territories and their competitiveness in world rankings. It is highlighted how the branding of territories contributes to the attraction of investments and the development of tourism. Thus, the article provides an in-depth analysis of the importance of branding and marketing strategies for territorial development, with a particular focus on tourism, investment and public engagement.


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