Article is devoted to studying the issue of information support system for cost management at an agricultural enterprise. Today, informatisation of an agricultural enterprise is an important aspect of improving its operations and increasing its efficiency. In addition, all this contributes to solving the issues of food security. Given this, the study analyses the features, advantages and difficulties of informatisation in the modern agricultural sector. The main problems that impede the introduction of information technologies by agricultural enterprises are identified: insufficient network coverage, low level of computer literacy of employees, lack of unified online platforms and standardization of data exchange, incompatibility of data exchange technologies, insufficient level of economic development of individual enterprises. It is determined that a necessary aspect of informatisation is the cost management of an agricultural enterprise. The essence and peculiarities of the cost management process are clarified and the components of the cost management system at the enterprise are defined: development of internal standards for the cost management system, organization of internal cost accounting, construction of an interconnected system of budgets, organization of an effective system for monitoring the implementation of budgets, creation of an analytical center as the main source of management information. Based on the analysis, a system of information support for cost management at an agricultural enterprise has been developed. The components of the system of information support for cost management are: software packages for management accounting and analysis, computer programs for accounting, analysis and forecasting, created on the basis of artificial intelligence, training programs to improve computer literacy of employees of the enterprise, information technology support for the enterprise and cost management. The author identifies organizational subsystems of cost management: search and identification of resource saving factors, cost planning by type, cost accounting and analysis, stimulation of resource economy and cost reduction. This system will potentially have a positive impact on the company's performance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Віталій Вакуленко, Володимир Мялковський, Лю Сяовей

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