Keywords: human capital, national economy, management object, management subject, development management


The article found out that the development of human capital ensures the innovative rise of the national economy. One of the ways to achieve its effective accumulation and use is the introduction of a rational mechanism for managing the development of human capital. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the main approaches to the definition of the concept of "management", which is interpreted as a type of activity, a function, the influence of a subject on an object, a scientific category, a process or a type of interaction. Classic management functions were adapted to human capital, which made it possible to outline priority directions in the management of human capital development at each stage of the management process. A management system for the development of human capital has been developed, which provides for the establishment of effective interaction between the subject and the object on the basis of defined methods, resulting in the formation of modern innovative characteristics of human capital capable of ensuring sustainable innovative development. In such a system, the object is human capital itself, and the subject is individual individuals, organizations, institutes, or the state as a whole, which exercise control over the object of management. A significant influence on the functioning of the human capital development management system is exerted by the external environment, which represents the combination of business structures with legislative and executive authorities, which together influence the functioning of the management system as a whole, which can be manifested on the basis of the adoption of new normative legal acts, legislative norms or practical opportunities for the development of skills, abilities, etc. Management of the development of human capital is a complex process that involves the transformation and development of the characteristics of human capital to a higher degree, which contributes to the formation of a modern person, a carrier of human capital and acts as a basis for achieving a multiplier effect that affects the development of society.


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