Keywords: financial statements, financial reporting, tax reporting, special reporting, statistical reporting


The article is devoted to a comprehensive review of the key aspects of financial reporting and its importance for effective management and financial transparency of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to provide a clear and understandable overview of the requirements for financial reporting and to identify its key components, which are necessary to ensure the accuracy, transparency and relevance of financial information. Research methodology: the study used general scientific methods of cognition, critical analysis of scientific literature, systematization of regulations, grouping and comparison. The results of the article allow us to summarize information about the current requirements and components of financial statements, because in order to ensure high quality and compliance with standards, they must be complete, reliable, understandable, relevant, timely, comparable and objective. In addition to the conceptual aspects, there are also organizational requirements, including management signatures, compliance with filing deadlines, retention, and compliance with accounting standards. The main types of financial statements include statistical reports submitted to government agencies for the analysis and development of macroeconomic strategies; financial statements that reflect the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the company and are prepared in accordance with NSAU 1 "General Requirements for Financial Reporting"; tax reports submitted by taxpayers to regulatory authorities; special reports submitted to state funds and reflecting the company's settlements with these funds; management reports intended for the purpose of Each type of reporting plays a role in the overall accounting and management system of the enterprise, providing the necessary information for various stakeholders. The practical significance of the study of financial statements is to increase the accuracy and transparency of financial information, which contributes to effective financial management and compliance with national and international accounting standards.


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How to Cite
Malikov, V., Novichenko, L., & Stoika, N. (2023). ACCOUNTING REPORTS: REQUIREMENTS AND COMPONENTS. Economy and Society, (57).

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