The article is devoted to the topical issue of support for agro-food sector enterprises in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The problem of providing food to the population of Ukraine, which is currently facing our state, has been determined, what prove actuality of provided research. The purpose of the study is to highlight directions of the state investment support for enterprises of agro-industrial sector. Methods that were used are theoretical, analytical, statistical, comparison and expert method. In the article the role of the enterprise of the agro-industrial sector in solving this problem is substantiated, and the factors due to which enterprises of this sector bear losses are indicated. The main programs offered by the state to support enterprises in the agro-industrial sector have been studied. It is noted that the importance of the implementation of these programs has both as short-term effect for the enterprises themselves in terms of providing opportunities for their activities and ensuring income and saturation of the market with the necessary products, as well as long-term one, ensuring the employment of the population, the receipt of funds in the state budget, balancing product prices, increasing the well-being of the country's residents. It was determined that the state currently plays an important role in providing opportunities for enterprises of the agro-industrial sector to function even if the capacities of enterprises are moved, which, in turn, allows to produce products already today, reduce tension in society and solve the problem of food insecurity. The grant and credit programs proposed by the state allow to solve current socio-economic issues of Ukraine, which are exacerbated in moments of crisis and which we can observe in the conditions of this war. It has been analyzed that it is possible to receive a grant or a loan on favorable terms under the condition of creating of workplaces are created during the financing of the program. Main practical value of the article is in it was determined that enterprises of the agro-industrial sector are important for the functioning of the country's economy in conditions of challenges, and the shortage of food products on the market causes an increase in prices, which further exacerbates socio-economic problems in society. That is why it is necessary to study the possibilities of participation in state investment programs to support enterprises of this sector.
Shynkaruk L., Dielini M., Vlasenko T., Svyrydenko D. & Lagodiienko V. (2023) Determinants of Ukrainian economic and food security development under the conditions of martial law. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 4(51), 311–319. DOI:
Okhrimenko, O., Chynchyk, A., Dergach, A., Bannikova, K., & Nesterenko, O. (2022). Strategies for economic development: the Ukrainian case. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 234-248. URL:
Які існують програми фінансової підтримки бізнесу? URL:
Forbes зібрав базу з грантових програм, доступних для українського малого та середнього бізнесу. URL:
Мінфін: За час дії воєнного стану в межах Державної програми «Доступні кредити 5-7-9%» видано 41607 пільгових кредитів на близько 164 млрд грн. URL:З%20моменту%20старту%20Державної%20програми,27.11.2023%20р
Зміни до програми «Доступні кредити 5-7-9%»: підтримка посівної кампанії та активація підприємництва. URL:
Уряд запускає систему грантів для розвитку підприємництва. URL:
ЄРобота: гранти від держави на відкриття чи розвиток бізнесу. URL:
20 млн гривень грантів виплачено ще 7 агропідприємствам на розвиток садів і теплиць. URL:
Як подати заявку. URL:
В Мінагрополітики підготували зміни до порядку надання урядових грантів на розвиток садівництва. URL:
Dergach A. (2022) Organizational support of state management of investment projects. Біоекономіка і аграрний бізнес. Том 13, №2. URL:
Shynkaruk L., Dielini M., Vlasenko T., Svyrydenko D. & Lagodiienko V. (2023) “Determinants of Ukrainian economic and food security development under the conditions of martial law”. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 4(51), 311–319. Available at:
Okhrimenko, O., Chynchyk, A., Dergach, A., Bannikova, K., & Nesterenko, O. (2022). “Strategies for economic development: the Ukrainian case.” Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 234-248. DOI:
Yaki isnuyutʹ prohramy finansovoyi pidtrymky biznesu? [What are the financial support programs for business?]. Available at:
Forbes zibrav bazu z hrantovykh prohram, dostupnykh dlya ukrayinsʹkoho maloho ta serednʹoho biznesu [Forbes has compiled a database of grant programs available for Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses]. Available at:
Minfin: Za chas diyi voyennoho stanu v mezhakh Derzhavnoyi prohramy «Dostupni kredyty 5-7-9%» vydano 41607 pilʹhovykh kredytiv na blyzʹko 164 mlrd hrn [Ministry of Finance: During the martial law, 41,607 concessional loans worth about UAH 164 billion were issued within the framework of the State Program «Affordable Loans 5-7-9%»]. Available at:З%20моменту%20старту%20Державної%20програми,27.11.2023%20р
Zminy do prohramy «Dostupni kredyty 5-7-9%»: pidtrymka posivnoyi kampaniyi ta aktyvatsiya pidpryyemnytstva [Changes to the Program «5-7-9% Available Loans»: support for the seeding campaign and activation of entrepreneurship]. Available at:
Uryad zapuskaye systemu hrantiv dlya rozvytku pidpryyemnytstva [The government is launching a system of grants for the development of entrepreneurship]. Available at:
YERobota: hranty vid derzhavy na vidkryttya chy rozvytok biznesu [ЕРобота: grants from the state for starting or developing a business]. Available at:
20 mln hryvenʹ hrantiv vyplacheno shche 7 ahropidpryyemstvam na rozvytok sadiv i teplytsʹ [20 million hryvnia grants were paid to another 7 agricultural enterprises for the development of gardens and greenhouses]. Available at:
Yak podaty zayavku [How to apply]. Available at:
V Minahropolityky pidhotuvaly zminy do poryadku nadannya uryadovykh hrantiv na rozvytok sadivnytstva [The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has prepared changes to the procedure for providing government grants for the development of horticulture]. Available at:
Dergach A. (2022) “Organizational support of state management of investment projects.” Bioekonomika i ahrarnyy biznes – Bioeconomy and agrarian business. Vol. 13, Iss. 2. DOI:
Copyright (c) 2023 Лідія Шинкарук, Марина Дєліні, Микита Геращенко

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