Keywords: ecological tourism, ecological tour, tourist flows, biodiversity support, agro-recreational cluster, national parks


This article is devoted to the analysis of ecotourism as a balanced approach to visiting natural places and its impact on natural resources. The main purpose of the study is to study the concept and historical development of ecotourism, its main principles and characteristics, as well as to assess the role of ecotourism in the preservation of natural places and the maintenance of biodiversity. The article considers practical examples of effective management of ecotourism, which demonstrate a balanced approach to the use of natural resources. The authors developed recommendations for improving ecotourism practices to ensure sustainable development of natural areas and reduce negative impacts on them. The main elements of ecotourism include learning about nature, preserving the ecosystem and respecting the interests of local residents. Ecological tourism in Ukraine began to actively develop only recently. Many participants of the tourist market offer products with the prefix "eco", but not everyone fully understands the classic meaning of the term "ecotourism". The main factors affecting the development of ecological tourism can be classified into static and dynamic. Analysis of the state of development of rural green tourism in Ukraine shows that this type of tourism develops unevenly. The largest number of rural tourism establishments is concentrated in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The article also examines groups of regions according to the level of development of rural green tourism and analyzes the key indicators of its development. Based on a survey of tourism market experts, it was determined that the level of urbanization has the greatest impact on demand in rural tourism. The article also singles out the main problems of the development of ecotourism in Ukraine and suggests directions of efforts of the authorities for its further development. The study makes an important contribution to the understanding of how ecotourism can affect natural resources, particularly biodiversity and ecosystems. This is important for the development of conservation strategies.


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How to Cite
Shulika, B., Serzhantova, Y., & Denyshchenko, L. (2023). ECOTOURISM: A BALANCED APPROACH TO VISITING NATURAL PLACES AND ITS IMPACT ON NATURAL RESOURCES. Economy and Society, (57).

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