The article examines the strategic foundations of innovative development of territorial communities. It is emphasized that people are the main engine of the community's productive capacity, which determines the perspective of economic changes. It is indicated that the economic development of the community is ensured by the development of entrepreneurship. It is noted that the level of entrepreneurship development depends on the favorable business climate, comfort and stability of the business environment, as well as business expectations. It is indicated that business is the engine of development, the main «player» in the process of changes in the territory of the community. It is emphasized that the conditions for business development are an indirect indicator of the community's standard of living. The general principles of the strategic foundations of the development of territorial communities, which include the establishment of specific, measurable and achievable goals that reflect the community's aspirations for development, have been studied. The positive effect of the development of innovative integrated structures for the main stakeholders of territorial communities, which takes into account the provision of a balanced development of the economy on an innovative basis, is emphasized. The main aspects of strategies for the innovative development of territorial communities, based on the creation of infrastructure for innovation, which will ensure the development of technology parks, innovation centers and business incubators to promote cooperation between enterprises, research institutions and higher education institutions, are presented. A management model for the strategic development of territorial communities is proposed, which involves conducting a SWOT analysis: identifying the strengths and weaknesses of local communities, opportunities and threats. It is indicated that today the role of planning in the local government system is changing significantly, which is increasingly becoming a tool for increasing the competitiveness of the territorial community, a means of uniting development participants around new values and long-term priorities. It is emphasized that strategic planning is a necessary condition for ensuring that local development activities in communities are progressive, sustainable, based on the rational use of resources and develop local factors of competitive advantages (creativity) without excessive loss of resources and are as productive as possible. It is noted that strategic planning involves an in-depth study of the situation, analysis of the external environment of the territory and its internal potential, study of community problems, justification of the vision of development and evaluation of possible strategic alternatives. It was concluded that the modern model of local economic development is based on the capital of knowledge and intelligence and connects the triad of concepts «globalization - innovation - competitiveness of the territory».
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Copyright (c) 2023 Інна Томашук, Іван Томашук

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