Keywords: investment, health care, medical infrastructure, finance, financial resources


The article examines the current state of investment in the healthcare system in Ukraine. The extent of the destruction of medical infrastructure facilities and the amount of necessary funds for their restoration have been analyzed. The international experience of reform and reconstruction, which is most suitable for Ukraine, is studied. The sources of attracting funds for the medical field and partner countries, which are the main donors, are given. The dynamics of funds received through the United24 global fundraising platform for medical care from May 2022 to April 2023, as well as the balance of these funds, are shown. Opportunities for Ukrainian organizations to participate in medical infrastructure restoration projects are presented. The importance of international aid and its scale require the introduction of special mechanisms for managing the attraction of international capital for medical institutions. At the same time, it is important to create a single independent agency through which international funds will be channeled. The activities of this agency as the central body for managing international aid in the field of health care must be clearly coordinated and coordinated with the government and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in order to jointly achieve the goals of Ukraine. It is necessary to form a state strategy for the development of the health care system, taking into account the new challenges of today. State policy should prioritize the provision of basic medical services for investment, without which there is a threat of significant loss of health and life of citizens. Investments in technology and equipment must also be accompanied by investments in human capital. Modernization of medical institutions requires improvement of the practice of medical personnel. It is advisable to introduce changes to the labor legislation regarding training and advanced training of health care workers and bringing management practices of medical institutions to European ones. Reforming the health care system is an important aspect of Ukraine's desire for European integration and accession to the EU.


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How to Cite
Moroz, N., Zalizna, L., & Luhovskyi , S. (2023). INVESTMENTS IN THE SPHERE OF HEALTH PROTECTION OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (57).