Keywords: advertising, internet marketing, modern approaches, digital development, audience


The article examines advertising as an innovative and newest means of Internet communication. Relevance is determined by the fact that today no field can function without a marketing tool like Internet advertising. The article presents the types, features and specifics of using advertising. It was found that the effectiveness of advertising is determined by such indicators as reliability, availability, innovativeness, usefulness and others. The purpose of the study is to determine the meaning and role of the effectiveness of advertising activities on the Internet. The article examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of advertising as one of the tools of integrated Internet marketing, its organization and implementation in the marketing activities of companies. Modern trends in the development of Internet marketing and advertising have been identified. The characteristics of targeted advertising are determined. On the basis of previous studies, the principles of system formation of the researched processes have been determined. Modern approaches to the organization and implementation of targeted advertising at enterprises are considered. An analysis is offered and the definition of the conceptual apparatus of Internet advertising is clarified. The results of research on the problems of evaluating the effectiveness of advertising activity on the Internet are presented. It is proved that the world market of Internet advertising is developing very dynamically. Uneven among different types of Internet advertising, the most growing among them are SMM and search advertising. Analysis of the local Internet advertising market confirmed this trend. It was determined that smartphones are the most popular tool for viewing Internet advertising among consumers. When evaluating the effectiveness of Internet advertising, a comprehensive approach should be used. The conclusions provide information about the importance of Internet advertising in modern society and the development of technology. The constant dynamics of the Internet market increases the requirements for advertising from advertisers and target audiences. Advertising settings and targeting are systematically updated, while some types of advertising lose popularity, and others are replaced. Since there are many problems in the promotion of goods on the Internet, this topic needs to improve theoretical and practical approaches.


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