Keywords: transfer policy, transfer price, transfer pricing, optimization of taxation, enterprise policy


The article is devoted to topical issues of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions. The purpose of the article is to clarify and justify conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions. In order to achieve the set goal, the following tasks were solved: the approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions were systematized; conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions are singled out; the author's vision regarding the definition of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions is substantiated. In the process of this study, the following methods were used: analysis and systematization - when studying the approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions; logical generalization - to highlight conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions; deduction, comparison, synthesis and analysis - to justify the author's vision regarding the definition of the essence of transfer policy in modern conditions. Analysis of modern definitions of the definition of "transfer policy" allowed us to come to the conclusion that there are the following conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the essence of transfer policy: transfer policy as a process of determining the usual price in transactions recognized as controlled according to legislation; transfer policy as the transfer of the object of taxation between related (associated) enterprises from one jurisdiction to another in order to obtain a tax benefit; transfer policy as a transfer pricing optimization policy. It is proposed to interpret the transfer policy precisely taking into account the classical definition of the enterprise policy and taking into account the peculiarities of the transfer policy: Transfer policy is a set of measures and methods of enterprise management, which is based on the use of differences in taxation systems in order to minimize the size of the tax burden. The difference of the proposed definition is its systematicity: taking into account the purpose, the meaningful feature (a set of measures and methods of enterprise management), as well as emphasizing the main instrument of transfer policy - the use of differences in taxation systems. The scientific novelty of this study consists in clarifying the concept of "transfer policy" based on the identification and analysis of modern views on the interpretation of this definition. At the same time, as a direction of further research, it is expedient to point out the need to define and substantiate the tools of transfer policy from the point of view of their effectiveness in modern conditions.


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