This scientific article examines the problems of economic and resource security in Ukraine and emphasises the importance of using disruptive technologies to achieve sustainable development. It was found that disruptive technologies lead to radical changes in production technologies, work organisation, and the socio-economic landscape. They affect the structure of the economy, the labour sphere, and social relations, which contribute to industrial revolutions. Scientists describe the Third, Fourth and Fifth industrial revolutions, which affect the development of the green economy, cyber-physical systems and the harmony between man and technology. Ukrainian researchers are also studying the concept of Industry 4.0 and disruptive technologies, including digital technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and production automation, to increase the competitiveness of the industrial sector and the development of the economy. During their research, the authors discuss four disruptive technologies: renewable energy, cyber security, artificial intelligence and blockchain, and their potential to ensure the country's economic and resource security. Renewable energy can reduce dependence on traditional energy sources and promote sustainable development. Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of the digital world, and disruptive technologies in this field can ensure the adequate protection of information systems. Artificial intelligence can improve productivity and quality of life by automating processes and developing innovative solutions. Blockchain technology can ensure the security and transparency of data management and improve the efficiency of supply chain management. The integration of these disruptive technologies into the economy and resource management of Ukraine can have a significant impact on the country's sustainable development and security. These technologies can increase productivity, reduce risk, improve resource efficiency, and better protect against cyber threats. Disruptive technologies are a critical factor in achieving the economic and resource well-being of Ukraine.
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