Keywords: economic activity, internal risks of the enterprise, risk management, risk assessment


The article discusses the issues of risk management of economic activity of enterprise and ways to reduce them. It is determined that risk is an integral part of any economic activity, and its impact on the activities of enterprise can be both positive and negative. The negative impact of risks can lead to the loss of financial resources, deterioration of the financial condition of the enterprise, and in some cases even to its bankruptcy. It examines the key risks that an enterprise may face, including financial, operational, strategic, and other types of risks. The authors analyze methods for identifying, assessing, and minimizing these risks, as well as offer effective strategies for managing them. Particular attention is paid to the role of corporate governance and ethics in risk management. The article contains practical recommendations for reducing the risks of economic activity of enterprise. It will be useful for business leaders. To reduce the negative impact of risks on the activities of the enterprise, it is necessary to carry out risk management. Risk management is a set of measures aimed at identifying, assessing, minimizing and controlling risks. It was emphasized that the most dangerous risk for any enterprise is the risk of bankruptcy, that is, the inability of the organization to meet the demands of creditors and pay mandatory payments to the state. It is indicated that in order to improve the enterprise's risk management system, it is necessary to: combine risk assessment into operational and strategic processes; implement the most effective analytical strategy and prevention technique; improve monitoring and risk quantification. The main condition for successful activity, where there is increased risk, is the creation and improvement of risk management systems that make it possible to find, evaluate, focus and control risk. Conclusions were made that integrated risk management makes it possible to take into account internal and external factors in the work of the organization, to determine ways and methods of ensuring the stability of the business entity, its ability to withstand adverse situations in competitive conditions.


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