Keywords: sustainable development, innovations, innovation policy, technological transformation


It was determined that the structural crisis of the economy can be overcome by introducing new technologies that create new production opportunities, the assimilation of which provides a breakthrough in improving its efficiency and the transition to a new stage of growth. Solving the problems of economic stabilization and sustainable development of Ukraine is directly related to the formation of active innovation, as well as development and implementation of innovation strategies at the macroeconomic level and at the level of individual businesses. At the same time, today there is no unified paradigm of innovation policy, legal framework, which makes its practical implementation impossible. The aim of the article is to study the role of the state in the mechanism of sustainable development, which will allow to imagine the concept of innovation policy that will meet its principles. To substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of innovation policy of the state, its place in the mechanism of sustainable economic development was studied. It was determined that today there is no legislative definition and practical implementation plan: in the period 2001-2012, several attempts were made to formulate and approve at the legislative level the "Concept of Sustainable Development of Ukraine", while these attempts remained only in the form of bills. Our country remains only a nominal signatory to the conventions and is, in fact, away from global stabilization and transformation processes, and public policy, at least officially, is not based on non-existent legislative concepts. Hence, the official place in the mechanism of sustainable development of our state is not provided, we can only make assumptions about its role and directions, levers and ways of influence. As a basis, we propose to adopt a human-centric paradigm of sustainable development and introduce the state as an economic agent in its implementation. The role of the state is manifested in three key areas of ensuring the mechanism of sustainable development within the state innovation policy: neutralization of threats, stimulation of human and innovative development and ensuring compliance with national economic interests. At the same time, we believe that the policy of intervention will be characterized as innovative only using liberal regulatory instruments.


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How to Cite
Yereshko, J. (2021). THE STATE IN THE MECHANISM OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (25).