Keywords: digitalization, education, higher education, e-learning, distance learning, online learning, hybrid learning, gamification learning


The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the geographical patterns of the dissemination of search queries of users regarding the directions of digitization of education in both the national and global context. The research was conducted using the Google Trends toolkit for keywords such as "education", "higher education", "e-learning", "distance learning", "online learning", "hybrid learning", "gamification learning". The search query analysis period is 08/30/2020-08/30/2023. According to the results of the study, the largest number of searches for the key term "education" was recorded in the Rivne region, Volyn region, Ternopil region, Ivano-Frankivsk region and Zhytomyr region. Instead, the lowest number of requests was recorded in the Luhansk region, Donetsk region and in Crimea. The level of interest of users in Ukraine to the problem of higher education was the highest in the Volyn region, Rivne region, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Lviv Region and Vinnytsia region. Among the regions with the lowest number of requests on the subject of "higher education" are Kharkiv region, Zaporizhzhia region and Odesa region. Online learning was the most popular among users of the Rivne region, Ternopil Region, Volyn region, Zakarpattia region and Chernihiv region. In turn, in Kharkiv region, Donetsk region and Luhansk region the number of queries was the lowest. The request on distance learning was the most popular among users of the Kharkiv region, Chernihiv region and Poltava region. The geographical dissemination of Google users' searches for the key terms "e-learning" for the period 08/30/2020-08/30/2023 across the regions of Ukraine proved the relevance of this question only for users from the Chernivtsi region, Zakarpattia region, Ternopil region, Kyiv region and the city of Kyiv, while this issue is not relevant for the rest of the regions. The issue of hybrid learning attracts the special interest of users of the Zhytomyr region and the city of Kyiv, while for users from the rest of the regions, this question is characterized by a low number of search queries. It was not possible to identify the geographical structure within Ukrainian regions of the requests for the search query "gamification of learning" due to their small number. In the global dimension, the issue of digitization of education is of greater interest among users in developing African countries.


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Kostetskyi, P., & Ivantsov, S. (2023). GEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS OF DIGITALIZATION OF EDUCATION: TREND ANALYSIS. Economy and Society, (56).