• Olena Niskhodovska State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya
  • Tetiana Marusei State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya
Keywords: competitive advantages, competitiveness, competition, enterprises, cultivation, cereal crops


Competition is inextricably linked with the competitive advantages of the enterprise, which form its competitiveness and encourage the development of a competitive strategy. Consequently, the notion of “competition”, “competitive advantages” and “competitiveness of the enterprise” are closely interconnected: the competitiveness of the enterprise is manifested in a competitive environment, and competitive advantages are the basis for ensuring competitiveness. But everybody agrees that competitiveness needs to be considered at four levels: country, region (industry), enterprise and product (product) level, etc. Consequently, in the study of competitiveness, it is necessary to determine the criteria for evaluation, its sources and factors that affect the level of competitiveness. In order to cover the potential demand of buckwheat market (both domestic and export), it is necessary to increase the gross area under buckwheat slightly. It is about introducing new varieties with high and stable yields, reaching specified yield levels and exceeding them, that realize the genetic potential of intensive technologies, as well in locating buckwheat crops across the regions of Ukraine in efficient and scientifically justified way. Competitiveness of an enterprise in the conditions of a market economy is a generalizing characteristic of the business entity, which reflects the level of efficiency of its use of economic resources in accordance with the efficiency of the use of economic resources by competitors. The source and factor of the company’s competitiveness is its competitive advantages. They ensure the stability of profit, the possibility of growth of economic indicators in the long run; create barriers to entering newcomers’ markets and soon. Overcoming the technology backwardness of the Food & Farming industry in the short-term perspective requires an integral system of new approaches to business development in the areas of Science and Technology, introducing innovations into production, that is establishment of management and financial mechanism for the development of innovation processes in the industry.


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Niskhodovska, O., & Marusei, T. (2020). COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF GROWING ENTERPRISES CEREAL CROPS. Economy and Society, (21). Retrieved from