Keywords: indicative assessment, regulation, development of entrepreneurship in agriculture, economic entities


The article improves approaches to the transformation of the methodological foundations of the assessment of the institutional environment in the economy in general and in the development of entrepreneurial activity in particular, by using a methodological complex, which in the methodological aspect of the study of the institutional environment will provide both research (analysis) and assessment of the institutional environment as an economy, sector or entrepreneurial activity, in our case the agrarian sector of the economy. In the conditions of the existence of restrictions regarding the choice and application of methodical approaches for evaluating the effects of substantive characteristics of agrarian entrepreneurship, the expectations of the results of their development efficiency, in particular, regarding qualitative characteristics, do not change. In the context of the above, a projection of a methodical approach to the indicative analysis and assessment of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship with the corresponding methodical tools - indicators of the assessment of the effectiveness of the development of agrarian enterprises was identified. In order to guide the choice of evaluated parameters, it is proposed to focus the main attention on the assessment of the institutional potential, while also assessing the potential of the environment, the level of resource provision of organizational and legal forms of management using a structurally balanced approach, a resource approach, the conceptual basis of which is the model of the behavior of an economic agent. An important methodological feature of the resource approach to the assessment of the institutional environment for the development of agrarian entrepreneurship is the focus of assessments on the "input" of institutional systems, on the one hand, which is characterized by the "black box" concept, and practical implementation, on the other hand, which corresponds to the "white box" concept. The main scheme of the indicative assessment of the development of agricultural enterprises has been formed and described, which in methodological terms allows for a thorough analysis of the most general and tangential indicators of the effectiveness of business processes, economic interactions, institutionalization to market conditions, and social development. The overall assessment of the state and results of the enterprise is carried out on the basis of indicators characterizing the effects of management or providing functions in the area of productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, innovativeness, size and potential, specialization, social and labor. The proposed indicators follow the general context of evaluating the enterprise's activity, that is, they are grouped in the contours of a certain area of result identification. However, they can be presented in different guises, depending on the goal set by the researcher. For example, by areas: sectoral, institutional (organizational form of the enterprise), functional, etc. In general, indicators are a system of indicators presented (selected) to characterize the object of research, however, depending on the methodological resource of positioning, their status is identified. For example, we consider the indicator of labor productivity to be general, and depending on the method of application (goals), partial and target indicators are distinguished, etc. It has been established that the existing methodological concepts of assessing the development of the institutional environment, where there is a high heterogeneity of economic development and entrepreneurial activity, the relationship between the institutional environment and entrepreneurship indicators is ensured by various statistical and econometric assessment methods, such as rating and indices. Empirical data show that differences in assessments of the quality of institutions of the institutional environment can play a significant role in explaining differences in the scale of entrepreneurial activity. The obtained results demonstrate the different influence of institutions on the development of the institutional environment, which, in our opinion, is limited by data sources and index indicators that cannot fully determine and take into account all institutional factors and their cumulative impact on entrepreneurial activity in the agrarian sector of the economy.


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