In unstable economic conditions, enterprises are forced to adapt and make changes in their development in order to be competitive in the domestic and international markets. The article considers various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "project". The main views on understanding what a project is are highlighted. The common characteristics of the considered approaches are singled out, namely the temporary nature of the projects; value creation; activity - a set of project works; limited resources, which is typical for all projects. Typical classifications of projects based on many criteria are considered. The typology of projects is summarized by the nature of the organization implementing the projects; by industry; by place in the value chain; by scale; by direction; according to the risk norm. The definition of the concept of an international project as a temporary activity that creates value and is limited in time, funds and scope of work, has a specific structure and organization that goes beyond the borders of one country has been developed. The classification of international projects has been formed, depending on the measures of international cooperation, it provides for such types of projects as the search for new sales markets; increasing the competitiveness of the organization; economies of scale; geographical diversification; opening access to new markets. Features of international project management are highlighted, such as the uniqueness of projects; high risk, which is primarily related to the scale and complexity of such projects; the complexity of implementing an international project due to the diverse interests and culture of numerous organizations involved in the project; limited resources for the project; dynamism of the international project due to fierce competition on world markets; diversity in various national, organizational and cultural features of countries. Cross-cultural features are one of the main risk factors for successful project implementation. Features of international project management include a wide range of tasks, cross-cultural features, the presence of several project managers, etc.
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