The article is aimed at studying and deepening the theoretical provisions on the use of logistics methods for managing freight forwarding processes at an enterprise. The process of improving the management of freight forwarding activities based on the use of logistics methods is an extremely important issue, since the growth of socio-economic efficiency and improvement of the quality of freight transportation services are impossible without the organization of a scientifically sound logistics system of transport management. The current state of transport process management does not correspond to radical changes in the economy, and it is often detached from modern achievements in management practice. Modern methods of improving freight forwarding activities are a multifunctional tool in the organization and management of logistics processes and services of transport and logistics systems. Methods and means of running a freight forwarding business are actively changing over time, which is crucial in a global market. Logistics methods are the means of influencing the managed object in order to effectively and efficiently solve logistics problems at the enterprise. Among the main methods of managing freight forwarding processes are the following: system analysis method, cybernetic method, economic and mathematical modeling methods, operations research method, forecasting methods, logical and economic method, regulatory method, and informal method. The use of logistics methods enables the company's management not only to choose the key areas of its policy, but also to manage the activities of the microsystem as a whole, to determine the efficiency of its functioning in accordance with the chosen strategy. Thus, the use of logistics methods contributes to the efficient organization of business and achievement of the desired results with maximum benefit for the enterprise.
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