The article reveals the current state of activity of restaurant enterprises. The main critical changes in the external and internal environment of hospitality enterprises are identified. The consequences of the Covid pandemic19 have been identified. Quarantine has led to the fact that a large number of employees in the restaurant industry have become unemployed. This is because not all cafes and restaurants have survived the two-month crisis. The works of the scientific community on the issues of activity of restaurant enterprises are investigated. However, attention is not fully paid to the areas and measures to ensure the reliability of enterprises during quarantine restrictions. Therefore, these objective definitions of the issue provided the basis for further scientific understanding of the application of innovative diffusion in the organization of the restaurant industry in Ukraine during the Covid pandemic19. The article provides an assessment of the scientific vision of innovative diffusions, which provide an opportunity in the organizational activities of restaurant enterprises. According to the scientific view, there are four levels of diffuse management of the restaurant business. First-level business restaurant enterprises consider the organization of the management staff as an internal neutral element of potential, and the role of the manager is limited to the establishment of production, regardless of the problems of competitiveness and support. This position is not relevant enough and does not fit into the modern realities of the world. The preconditions for the application of each hypothesis are determined and it is established that in the modern crisis conditions the restaurant enterprise is at the first level of innovative diffusion. Based on this, a program of innovative diffuse organization of the restaurant industry with elements of focus was proposed. This program is based on the basic modern realities society and based on the involvement of all consumers. The implementation of CRM systems for feedback is an important direction in the implementation of the program of innovative diffuse organization of the restaurant industry with elements of focus.
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