The article is devoted to the analysis of the state, problems and prospects of the post-war recovery of the tourism industry of Ukraine, taking into account the principles of the concept of sustainable development of tourism. The vulnerability of the tourism sector to crises and disasters is emphasized, the consequences of military actions for the tourism industry in general and for hotels in particular are given. The significance of tourism for society, in particular during the war, is indicated. Since the beginning of hostilities, the accommodation facilities of Western Ukraine performed a social function, providing shelter to displaced persons. Prospective directions of sustainable tourism are revealed and examples of the implementation of the main principles of the concept of sustainable development for tourism and accommodation facilities are given. The concept of sustainable tourism development covers opportunities for the development of ecological tourism, all types of activities that contribute to the development of the local economy and culture, the promotion of respect for nature, the implementation of local environmental projects and sustainable accommodation. The current state of tourism in Ukraine due to the state of war has a number of peculiarities and primarily requires compliance with the requirements of safety of travelers. The article examined the foreign experience of restoring tourism after military conflicts. The most relevant for Ukraine is the experience of Israel, Croatia, and Georgia. Possible options for the application of foreign experience in the restoration of the tourism industry after the war have been identified. Directions for the sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine are proposed. They include the development of new types of tourism, the development and implementation of programs to support entrepreneurship in tourism and hospitality, the implementation of measures to increase the interest of foreign tourists in memorable routes and symbolic objects, the search for new methods of promoting tourist services, reviewing and improving tourist and hospitality services taking into account modern principles of sustainable development.
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