The article clarifies the significance of the enterprise's potential in increasing its competitiveness in the conditions of the globalization of the economy. It was determined that the enterprise's potential is a kind of driving force that allows it to achieve its goals, successfully present the results of its activities on the market and have competitive advantages, adapt to external threats and the changing political and economic situation. As a result of the analysis of the scientific work on this issue, eight components of the company's potential were identified. Organizational potential involves launching or adjusting the activity of the enterprise's mechanism based on the use of its aggregate potential. The production potential of the enterprise is formed thanks to the available objects and means of work, technological and innovative possibilities and internal labor reserves. Financial potential is responsible for the process of attracting and distributing financial resources, finding other resources needed for the development of the enterprise, and its investment strategy. Investment potential includes external and internal investment. Innovation potential involves a combination of factors and conditions that ensure the organization of the innovation process. The human potential of the enterprise is the special human capital accumulated by the organization, which combines the qualifications and professional abilities of employees, know-how, intellectual capital, special managerial and intellectual technologies that increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. The main direction of the marketing potential is the formation of a comprehensive strategy for the promotion of products to the market and a high-quality price policy of the enterprise. The export potential of the enterprise is the totality of the enterprise's opportunities to enter and expand operations in foreign markets. It is argued that the formation and use of the company's potential in modern conditions are influenced by globalization processes, the development of science and technology, the economic policy of the state, and the needs of potential consumers.
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