Keywords: protection, threats, information security, financial controlling, joint activities, information securityinformation environment, economic security


The article considers the essence and defines the content of the categories of "information environment" and "information space of controlling information", which made it possible to identify the main centres of its production (primary structural units, analytical services of enterprises, external entities that create information for management) and to allocate specific features of different types of controlling information and their role in the process of enterprise management. The aim of the study is to consider the security system of the information space of controlling information in the implementation of joint activities and to increase the efficiency of ways to combat the threat of information in the joint venture management system. The article shows that insufficient level of information support and protection of the financial controlling system leads to an increased risk of making economically unreasonable management decisions, inefficient use of joint venture resources, increased risk of joint activity, etc. Financial information can lead to the inability to process all the information, reduce the likelihood of assessing the most appropriate and reliable information, and lead to erroneous management decisions. The emergence and intensification of threats in the information environment significantly increases the importance and role of information security for the national security of Ukraine. The presented proposals for defining the information space of controlling information as a structured set of information objects and methods of their organisation have shown that the level of its structure has a significant impact on making effective management decisions, and external and internal factors affect the volume, quality and usefulness of controlling information and the organisation of information flows and links between the structural units of a joint venture. The author explains that when organising information security, it should be borne in mind that the vast majority of threats are formed through its employees, regardless of whether this is information in the form of employee knowledge or information contained in documents.


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