The article examines the importance of personnel policy and personnel planning for the stabilization of enterprise activity under the influence of wartime risks. The research methodology is based on the conceptual understanding of personnel policy as a tool for ensuring personnel security through a set of internal regulations that determine the interaction of the employer and employees, which allow to solve the most important task of preventing threats to the economic security of business from the personnel side. The personnel policy is proposed to be understood as a set of rules, certain regulated actions and established customs and traditions that are mutually agreed with the mission, vision and strategy of the enterprise, according to which the work of management personnel with employees and the team as a whole is conducted. It is substantiated that the main goal of personnel policy in peacetime was the creation of the most effective personnel management system at all levels of the economic entity's activity. In the conditions of martial law, the tasks of the company's personnel policy should be: guarantees for personnel who were forced to move territorially to protect their lives and health; providing the possibility of remote employment (in those positions where it is possible); encouraging employees who, despite the threat, demonstrated loyalty to the company; organization of psychological support for employees. It is noted that the ultimate goal of the personnel policy at all times should be the formation and development of the personnel potential of the enterprise to ensure its current financial and economic activity with high-quality labor resources. A system of measures aimed at providing the enterprise with appropriately qualified personnel is presented. The trends observed in the field of enterprise personnel management are listed. It has been established that the personnel policy is traditionally based on a situational approach and integrates the requirements of the external and internal environment of the business entity, the needs of employees and employers, formulates goals, tasks and principles of managing the labor potential of the enterprise for a certain period of time, after which it is revised and reapproved.
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