In order to be competitive in the field of hotel and restaurant business, it is necessary to pay great attention to the service and work with the personnel who provide it. In the conditions of the pandemic, the hotel and restaurant industry suffered enormous damage. However, after the end of the pandemic, the tourism industry will face delayed demand, for which each of the players in this field must be ready. In order to attract and keep a consumer, you need to prove your competitiveness, especially regarding the quality of service. In this regard, this topic needs to be worked out in more detail, and every hotel/restaurant needs to strengthen and improve the quality of service. The article is devoted to topical issues of determining the quality of hotel/restaurant service. The methods of their assessment are analyzed and systematized. Such qualitative assessment methods as questionnaires, surveys, expert methods, mystery shoppers, complaint analysis, etc., were studied. It is outlined that determining the quality of such services is inseparable from assessing the level of client satisfaction. The difficulty of assessing the quality of the provided service when providing a particular service in the hotel and restaurant business is substantiated, in particular, it is noted that if all the procedures and standards of the organization's work are followed, the service cannot always be considered high-quality. Evaluation methods are analyzed in terms of their advantages and disadvantages. The article discusses basic concepts, types of quality, quality management methods, as well as criteria for assessing the level of quality. The quality of a service is considered as a set of characteristics that give it the ability to satisfy stated or perceived needs. The quality of the services provided is divided into technical, functional and ethical. It was concluded that the most common methods of service quality assessment in the hotel and restaurant business are observation, experiment, survey and the "mystery shopper" program. Each method has its own specifics, which can be applied to one or another enterprise, depending on the size of the hotel/restaurant, the presence of its own standards, etc. The most accessible and inexpensive methods of quality assessment are: oral survey and questionnaire.
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