Strategic planning of the enterprise remains an extremely relevant topic in the modern business environment. This practice is critical to the success of businesses in a world where change has become the norm. Globalization and market competition require companies to constantly analyze and update their strategies. Businesses must be ready to respond to rapid changes in technology and consumer demands. Strategic planning helps businesses adapt to these changes and find new opportunities for development. It is also important to ensure sustainable management of resources, including finance, human resources and physical assets. The article carries out a thorough analysis, systematization and study of the concepts, principles and methodology of strategic planning in order to reveal its role in the modern business environment. The article is aimed at considering the current aspects of strategic planning, including its impact on the effectiveness of enterprise management. The article carries out a thorough analysis, systematization and study of the concepts, principles and methodology of strategic planning in order to reveal its role in the modern business environment. The article is aimed at considering the current aspects of strategic planning, including its impact on the effectiveness of enterprise management. The key principles of strategic planning are analyzed, among them: orientation to long-term goals; environment analysis; definition of strategy; communication and involvement of all interested parties; monitoring and evaluation; flexibility and adaptation. It is determined that these principles help organizations develop and implement strategies that meet their needs, long-term goals, and changes in the external environment. It has been proven that the main goal of strategic planning is to create a strategy that will contribute to successful development and the achievement of competitive advantages. It was determined that strategic planning is an important tool for achieving sustainable development and competitiveness of the enterprise in the modern business environment.
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