банківська системаThe article is aimed at identifying the main problems that arise in the course of resumption of the banking system after de-occupation of settlements and cessation of military (combat) operations in the territory of settlements. The relevance of the study lies in the need to restore the stable operation of the banking sector to meet the economic needs of the residents of the liberated territories. The purpose of the paper is to outline the range of main problems faced when reopening bank branches. The study used general scientific theoretical methods, namely: analysis, synthesis, generalisation, induction and deduction. The material analyses the structure of the banking sector and identifies the existing structural units of banks in certain regions. As a result, it can be argued that banks ensure the continuous provision of services during the war by maintaining customer confidence. The study found that the mission to restore banking institutions in the de-occupied territories is entrusted to state-owned banks, as a quick resumption of operations is not commercially viable for banks owned by private shareholders. It was revealed that physical damage or destruction of bank branches, loss of computer equipment, lack of electricity, internet, insufficient staff and ensuring safe conditions for employees and customers are the main challenges faced when restoring the banking system. Ways to solve these problems depend on each specific situation. The benefits of implementing the Power Banking 2.0 project to maximise the resumption of banking services in the de-occupied territories, such as cash withdrawals, payments, money transfers, currency exchange, and expert advice from managers, are considered. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained to restore the banking system in other freed territories of Ukraine.
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