• Lyudmula Pronko Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Tatiana Sobitnyuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: polygraphy, institutions of higher education, services, technologies


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of providing printing services to students and the study of the popularity of printing among students. Printing services for students have become not only a means of obtaining the necessary information, but also an important tool for self-expression and development of their creative individuality. This study uses a combined approach that includes both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Quantitative aspect. To obtain quantitative data, a survey of students of higher educational institutions of various faculties and courses is carried out. The survey will be conducted using a structured questionnaire that includes questions on: the frequency and types of printing services they use; motivations for choosing printing for your projects and educational works; satisfaction with the results of cooperation with printing enterprises; impact of the use of polygraphy on their creative and educational process. To obtain qualitative data, in-depth interviews will be conducted with students who actively use polygraphy in their creative and educational activities. The interview will be aimed at revealing their personal experiences and perceptions of interaction with printing services. This study is aimed at studying the interaction of students with printing, in particular, at understanding the peculiarities of their use of printing services, motivations and the impact of this interaction on their creative and educational processes. This study uses a combined approach that includes both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. It was determined that the participation of students in periodicals of the university is not only an opportunity for them to express their ideas and research, but also an important step in enriching the academic environment, increasing academic competence and contributing to the creation of new knowledge that can have a significant impact on the development of society. It was determined that the support of creativity and professional development of students should consist in the development of cooperation with universities for the organization of master classes and lectures on printing for students, the introduction of support programs for young designers and artists, which allows them to realize their creative ideas, ensuring that students are informed about available printing services and promotions that promote awareness and popularity of these services.


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How to Cite
Pronko, L., & Sobitnyuk, T. (2023). FEATURES OF PROVISION OF PRINTING SERVICES BY INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Economy and Society, (56). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-56-1