Keywords: nature-based solutions, sustainable development, environmental problems, scientific foundations, theoretical and methodological principles, integrated approach, nature protection


In today's world, society grapples with intricate challenges arising from environmental degradation and the depletion of natural resources, demanding both scientific and practical solutions. Prioritizing issues like climate change, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, and environmental pollution necessitates innovative, interdisciplinary, and science-based approaches to achieve sustainable development goals. Understanding the scientific underpinnings and theoretical and methodological principles of NBS is vital for comprehending its essence and practical application. These foundations enable the development of strategies and methodologies grounded in scientific research, natural process knowledge, and an integrated approach to analysis and decision-making. This, in turn, allows for assessing the interconnections and interdependencies among diverse aspects of nature and society. Emphasizing public opinions, needs, and interests is fundamental in crafting nature-based solutions, contributing to more legitimate and effective solutions that consider all stakeholders' requirements. Consequently, public involvement stands as one of NBS's core principles, integral to the decision-making process.The scientific basis of NBS envisions an interdisciplinary approach to addressing environmental issues, fostering interaction and collaboration among various scientific fields such as ecology, sociology, economics, geography, and more, for a comprehensive understanding and resolution of challenges. The practical significance of this research lies in its potential to influence decision-making practices in natural resource management and environmental risk. The results provide a theoretical and methodological foundation for developing and implementing nature-based strategies and policies that promote sustainable resource utilization and nature conservation. In summary, this study aims to analyze the prerequisites for establishing the scientific foundations and theoretical and methodological principles of the concept of nature-based solutions, deepening the understanding of its significance in nature conservation, sustainable development, and effective environmental problem-solving. To achieve this goal, the research aims to summarize relevant approaches, analyze interdisciplinary interactions within NBS, and explore the scientific foundations and theoretical principles of this concept.


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