Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, innovations, innovative activity, innovative technologies, competitiveness


The article describes the process of development of innovative activities in the hotel and restaurant business. The innovative activity and implementation of the innovative project of hotel and restaurant enterprises, which is carried out with the help of innovative potential, is characterized. The authors note that currently the uncertainty of the future for everyone in Ukraine, including business owners, is becoming a conditional norm of existence. The research indicates that in most cases, hotels choose an advantageously adapted location, considering the fact that today the majority of hoteliers focus their attention on both tourists and business representatives. It has been proven that the innovative activity of the hotel and restaurant business is an activity related to the implementation and organization of the innovation process, which involves the formation, development and dissemination of innovations. The authors substantiate the innovative activity in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, as one that is focused on the creation of a new or replacement of an existing product. The rapid development of the industry in Ukraine requires new approaches to the state of material support and the level of service, which are directly affected by innovation processes. The authors prove that currently the tourism and hotel-restaurant business are those industries that are constantly and dynamically developing in the modern conditions of globalization, while simultaneously solving a number of socio-economic problems. The regularities and relevance of this problem are determined, based on the fact that the methods of innovative activity are the main factors for the competitiveness of the tourism industry and the hotel and restaurant business with other interconnected sectors of the economy. The purpose of the article is to consider and analyze innovative activities in the hotel and restaurant business at the current stage. The methods of this study are the method of analysis and synthesis, the dialectical method of studying phenomena and processes in their relationship and development.


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How to Cite
Sereda, N., & Piiurenko, I. (2023). INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES IN THE HOTEL-RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (55).