The article is devoted to the topical issues of defining the essence of digital security of enterprises. The place of digital security in the overall security of the enterprise is defined. In particular, it was determined that digital security is a separate type of security of the enterprise and occupies a prominent place in relation to the financial and information security of the enterprise, since it has a significant impact on the first and directly depends on the second. The main risks and obstacles to the development of the enterprise, caused by the strengthening of digitalization and caused by the spread of information, the use of various software and computer equipment, are presented. There are also risks of the internal environment, which arise under the negative influence of internal factors: organizational and managerial nature, personnel competencies, quality and capacity of internal networks and technical means. A special role among internal risks is assigned specifically to those that directly threaten the digital security of the enterprise. In the aggregate of risks and threats to digital security, enterprises will highlight risks of an external nature of interaction with the enterprise and influence, which are caused by receiving information from the outside, the need to communicate with external systems and networks, and the competence of users. It was determined that such risks and threats necessitate the formation of digital security of the enterprise. Taking into account the analyzed research of scientists regarding the definition of the essence of digital security, the author's vision of the studied phenomenon, which involves the combination of information and cyber security, was formed. The digital security of the enterprise reflects the security of information in all its forms and types, which belongs to the enterprise and is used by it, and the protection of technical means of processing, transmission and transfer of information and software used in the activities of the enterprise on a legal basis. Therefore, as part of digital security, it is appropriate to distinguish information security and cyber security, which closely interact with each other and are aimed at preventing the occurrence, countering risks and threats, as well as minimizing losses in the event of their occurrence in the field of information support for the enterprise's activities and technical and technological support for the use information
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