Keywords: monitoring system, diagnostics, key performance indicators, information and analytical support, management decision-making system


Modern conditions of business entities require the formation of a dynamic system of information and analytical support for making effective management decisions. The creation of a system for monitoring the enterprise's activities, its internal business processes and the external business environment will provide the management system with complete, objective and up-to-date information for comprehensive and well-founded preparation and making of such decisions. The purpose of the article is to outline the theoretical, methodological and conceptual foundations of the development of a system for monitoring the enterprise's activities as an applied tool for monitoring, diagnosing, modeling and managing its activities. The object of the study is various directions of the company's activity, taking into account the influence of factors of the external and internal environment. The methodological and informational basis of the study were the monographs of scientists, which highlight the problems of forming monitoring systems at the macro, meso, and micro levels, materials from periodicals, and Internet resources on the specified issues. When conducting the research, the methods of comparative analysis, content analysis, system and logical analysis, and the method of summarizing information were used. The article proves that monitoring in the modern dynamic conditions of enterprise development should be considered not only as an information and assessment system, but also as ensuring the functioning of the support system for making informed management decisions. The basis of the development of a two-level system for monitoring the company's activity, which consists of an informational and methodical base and is aimed at performing evaluation, analytical, prognostic and management functions, is considered. The structural components of the two-level monitoring system of the company's activity, namely the database and the knowledge base, have been identified and analyzed. In addition, the article defines the main elements of the monitoring system, which make up its conceptual foundations, namely the goal, object, subjects, principles, functions. On the basis of conceptual foundations, a model of the monitoring system of the enterprise's activity as a component of the management decision-making system was formed. The practical value of the proposed conceptual model of monitoring lies in the development of a complete system of monitoring, evaluation, forecasting of the enterprise's activity and its orientation towards obtaining operational information for making management decisions. The implementation of the proposed model will be of interest to the heads of enterprises for the formation of adequate and adaptive management reactions to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise's development.


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