Keywords: digital technologies, cloud technologies, software, logistics management, transportation, digital infrastructure, warehouse logistics


The article is devoted to modern digital technologies used in the management of logistics processes of enterprises. Factors of influence of digital technologies and automation tools on the efficiency of enterprises are analyzed and systematized. During the writing of the article, methods of exploratory analysis, comparative and deductive method were used, with the help of which actual digital technologies in logistics management were analyzed, their characteristics were provided, and prospective trends of their development were investigated. Considerable attention is paid to the peculiarities of the development of digital technologies among enterprises interested in mastering new product markets and means of integrating them with the internal digital infrastructure. An important direction of research is the analysis of the factors of the use of artificial intelligence and its integration with the accounting systems of the enterprise’s logistics activities, the rational distribution of resources and the improvement of the use of logistics processes. Important transformations in logistics and the spread of the practice of integrating digital technologies with cloud computing and Big Data technology are evaluated. In addition, the meaning of digitization processes is revealed and the potential directions of its development in the business environment of the enterprise are characterized. The obtained results can be useful for conducting further research on modern means of integrating digital technologies into the management of logistics processes, conducting further discussions regarding the most effective means of automation and the use of digital technologies. rational distribution of resources and improvement of the use of logistics processes. Important transformations in logistics and the spread of the practice of integrating digital technologies with cloud computing and Big Data technology are evaluated. In addition, the meaning of digitization processes is revealed and the potential directions of its development in the business environment of the enterprise are characterized. The obtained results can be useful for conducting further research on modern means of integrating digital technologies into the management of logistics processes, conducting further discussions regarding the most effective means of automation and the use of digital technologies. rational distribution of resources and improvement of the use of logistics processes. Important transformations in logistics and the spread of the practice of integrating digital technologies with cloud computing and Big Data technology are evaluated. In addition, the meaning of digitization processes is revealed and the potential directions of its development in the business environment of the enterprise are characterized. The obtained results can be useful for conducting further research on modern means of integrating digital technologies into the management of logistics processes, conducting further discussions regarding the most effective means of automation and the use of digital technologies. Important transformations in logistics and the spread of the practice of integrating digital technologies with cloud computing and Big Data technology are evaluated. In addition, the meaning of digitization processes is revealed and the potential directions of its development in the business environment of the enterprise are characterized. The obtained results can be useful for conducting further research on modern means of integrating digital technologies into the management of logistics processes, conducting further discussions regarding the most effective means of automation and the use of digital technologies. Important transformations in logistics and the spread of the practice of integrating digital technologies with cloud computing and Big Data technology are evaluated. In addition, the meaning of digitization processes is revealed and the potential directions of its development in the business environment of the enterprise are characterized. The obtained results can be useful for conducting further research on modern means of integrating digital technologies into the management of logistics processes, conducting further discussions regarding the most effective means of automation and the use of digital technologies. The practical experience of implementing digital technologies was studied and the key trends in the information market were characterized. The article examines the peculiarities of transport and warehouse management, the peculiarities of the distribution of resources of logistics processes and means of their automation. A number of modern trends in the management of logistics processes among enterprises are presented and characterized. The potential advantages of digital technologies in logistics activities and their rational use in the long term are outlined.


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