Keywords: economic efficiency, financial resources, financial management, financial strategy optimization, enterprise competitiveness


The article deals with topical issues of ensuring the economic efficiency of the use of financial resources of economic entities in modern conditions. The theoretical and practical aspects of optimizing the financial strategy and management of the company's financial assets in order to ensure its sustainable development are studied. The essence of approaches to the definition of the concept of "economic efficiency" was analyzed and the factors affecting it were analyzed, in particular, the level of liquidity, profitability, turnover of financial resources, etc. The issue of determining the optimal structure of the company's financial assets and their rational use to achieve the maximum financial result is considered. Special attention is paid to the methods of analysis and control of the company's financial activities, including budgeting, planning and forecasting of its financial flows. The tools and methods that allow to ensure the optimal use of the company's financial resources and reduce the risks of financial losses are defined. The importance of developing a financial management strategy, which would take into account the specifics of the industry, the specific tasks of the business entity and changes in the financial market, was studied. It was determined that the effective use of financial resources is a key factor for achieving stability and success of the enterprise in the conditions of modern economic instability. It is proven that a detailed analysis of the problems of the economic efficiency of the use of financial resources of the enterprise allows to determine the key factors affecting this process. At the same time, such factors include factors of the external environment, such as economic and political changes, changes in market conditions and the competitive environment. It was determined that internal factors that are determined by the management activity of the enterprise, such as financial management strategy, investment policy, credit risk and others, are also important. Variants of financial analysis are considered, the application of which enables the enterprise to identify risks and opportunities for optimizing its financial processes in a timely manner. Recommendations on improving the efficiency of the use of the company's financial resources and ensuring its competitiveness on the market have been formulated.


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