The article examines the peculiarities of the impact of market competition on ensuring high product quality as a key task for modern business. The role of certification, standardization and product quality management in modern business processes is studied. It was determined that certification is an important tool for confirming the quality of products, which allows enterprises to prove that their goods or services meet established standards and requirements, which increases consumer confidence and contributes to the overall growth of sales. It has been proven that standardization, in turn, defines general requirements for products that must be followed by all manufacturers present on the market, as it simplifies production processes, makes them more efficient and reduces the risk of production errors. The impact of standardization on the general simplification of the certification process is considered, due to the fact that most certification organizations use standards as a basis for their work. It was determined that quality management is a systematic approach to ensuring high product quality at all stages of production and includes such stages as planning, control and continuous improvement of business processes, which makes it possible to achieve stable quality and satisfy consumer needs. The relationship between certification, standardization and quality management is considered in the context of the practical experience of companies that successfully use these approaches to ensure the improvement of the quality of their products and competitiveness on the market. The key role and irreplaceability of certification, standardization and product quality management in modern business processes is defined. It is proven that they help enterprises to ensure the high quality of their products, to increase the trust of consumers and to increase the level of their own profitability. Certification, standardization and quality management of products are said to increase safety and reduce risks for consumers, which is particularly important in industries where safety is a critical factor, such as the food industry, medicine, aerospace, etc. It has been determined that ensuring compliance with relevant safety standards and norms can prevent accidents and improve the efficiency of an enterprise's business processes.
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